type = 'chick'; if ( isset($_GET['order']) ) $articles->sortcol = $_GET['order']; $articles->retrieve(); ?> Top Five Movies -- Chick Flicks

As more and more members of the Top Five Movies Staff become romantically attached and/or married, the proportion of chick flicks we've been forced to endure has risen exponentially. In an attempt to protect our fellow males from having to suffer through the most excruciating entries in the genre, we've decided to offer our thoughts on the muff movies we get suckered into watching. This way, you can learn from our mistakes, and hopefully select the least painful options so you can get your brownie points and not hate yourself in the morning.

The rating system:

Bear in mind that points awarded to movies in the Chick Flick section count only half as much as those in the normal Reviews, so the most a chick flick can ever score is equivalent to a 5.0 on the overall scale.

Check out our full listing of regular Reviews.

count; $i++ ) { $article = $articles->get($i); printf("\n", ($i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd' )); printf("\n", $article->getLink(), $article->title); printf("\n", $article->rating); printf("\n", $article->author); printf("\n\n", $article->article_date); } ?>
Movie Rating Reviewer Date